Found 7 products about

Ground source heat pump

6kw, 9kw geothermal heat pump water source heat pump ground source heat pump

6kw, 9kw geothermal heat pump water source heat pump ground source heat pump

6kw, 9kw geothermal heat pump water source ground source heat pump

Hitachi compressor

High efficiency tube in shell exchanger


10kw Geothermal heat pump water heat source water to water heat pump

10kw Geothermal heat pump water heat source water to water heat pump

10kw Geothermal heat pump water heat source water to water heat pump

Panasonic compressor

Heating or cooling



13~20kw ground source heat pump water to water heat pump geothermal heat pump

13~20kw ground source heat pump water to water heat pump geothermal heat pump

13~20kw ground source heat pump

water to water heat pump

geothermal heat pump

Panasonic compressor

Heating or cooling


25·40kw renewable energy water source heat pump

25·40kw renewable energy water source heat pump

25·40kw renewable energy water source heat pump

Panosonic compressor


Stable heating efficiency


6~10kw water to water heat pump high efficient ground source heat pump water energy heating heat pump

6~10kw water to water heat pump high efficient ground source heat pump water energy heating heat pump

6~13kw water to water heat pump

Heating and cooling

Hitachi compressor

Plate heat exchanger

Lcd intelligent controller


13-20kw Geothermal water to water heat pump water heat energy heat pump ground water source heat pump

13-20kw Geothermal water to water heat pump water heat energy heat pump ground water source heat pump

13-20kw ground water source heat pump

Panasonic compressor

Plate heat exchanger

Lcd intelligent controller


25-41kw water heater heat pump geotheral water to water heat pump high efficiency water heating heat pump

25-41kw water heater heat pump geotheral water to water heat pump high efficiency water heating heat pump

25-41kw high efficiency water heating heat pump

Panasonic compressor

Plate heat exchanger

Electronic expansion valve

